Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Blog #6 Perservance

Yes, I have heard the verb preserve because it means when someone wants to achieve a goal they use all their power to do it. Meaning if a teen wants to graduate from high school and go into college they put all their effort in to reach their goal. Also in like games athletes preserve their head in the games because they put a lot of effort to win a game and not loose. Others want accessories or equipment's and try their best to try and buy it but, its expensive and to preserve what they want they start saving up for whatever they want. 
If I were to choose between 50 or 100 dollars I would choose 50 because I would have them right now. Unlike, 100 dollars I would get them in like a year and I am not waiting that long. Also 50 dollars would help a lot right now I could pay or buy somethings for me right away. Like if i were to get 50 dollars right nowI would buy my mom a gift for mothers day because its just around the corner. Also, I would buy my friend a present for her baby since her baby shower is just right around the corner too. Then, with the rest of the money I would just spend it on small things for me thats if I still have enough left.
The goal I want to achieve is graduating this year and moving on. By, moving on I mean I want to go of to college and start the career I want to be. I have done a lot in my senior to achieve my goal. Like I am putting a lot of effort to graduate and not screw up my senior year because it is my last year being here. The steps for achieving my goal is comming to school, doing my work and get good grades for me to end up into college. I know for a fact I can do it and I know if I keep up my good work I will end up achieving my big goal.             

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